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Join the Coalition

Protect the Potcakes





Rabies-Free Caribbean Islands


1990's - Today

January 27, 2023

June, 2023

July 10, 2023 - September 8, 2023

May 8, 2024

June 7, 2024

June 12, 2024

Volunteers have been working tirelessly to give better lives to the neglected, abused dogs indigenous to the Caribbean, otherwise known as Potcakes, Cunucus, Coconut Retrievers, Satos. They follow strict health protocols and have high standards of care for the rescued dogs. 

The Federal Register posted a notice by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating that they intend to extend the 'temporary suspension of dogs entering the USA from high risk rabies countries' only.  You can read the notice here

There was a meeting held with members of different animal groups to discuss this ban. There was no representation for Caribbean rescues. The invitations to this meeting were not made public and were exclusive. 

The CDC opened document comments for the public to voice their opinions and stance on the proposed ban. 
You can read the comments here
Majority of the comments are against the proposal. 

The official announcement regarding the new ban went public and included an element of surprise that was not previously mentioned nor made clear: Effective August 1st, the CDC is banning all dogs from entering the United States from ALL foreign countries under the age of 6 months old/180 days old. 

You can read about the ban here.

The Coalition published a press release informing the world of the tragic, unnecessary forced loss of thousands of lives that will come as a result of the ban. 

You can read the press release here

The Coalition filed a lawsuit against the CDC. 

Paw Print

What can you do to help?

Follow the Coalition on Facebook to get current updates, read helpful information pieces and stay up to date on the latest details of the situation. 

Visit this site for additional information and a recap of the situation. 

Wear a shirt to advocate and get the conversation started!  Proceeds go towards the Coalition for any legal fees incurred. 

Sign this petition on started by No Dogs Left Behind, Inc. 


Sign this petition on started by Save the Satos.


Sign your name here to be included in our Open Letter to the CDC asking them to reconsider the age limit on the ban and asking them to reconsider an allowance for rabies-free countries. 


Contact your local Senator and voice your opinion and the concerns around the this ban. 


Contact members of Congress to voice your opinion and the unnecessary deaths this ban will cause. 

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